Streaming Services
You tell us what you're interested in and we sort the videos. Create your own channels, with what you want and what you don't want to see. Create groups of people that want to share together or share with everyone. That includes sharing to other platforms and people not on a platform
Monetarize your creations.
Vamsa direct compensation is in line with all major platforms. With a few added ways to make income:
Be listed as an influencer and our business will seek you out for creation of rating video or sales videos.
Create a store and use affiliate marketing!
Chat battles
gifts and a lot more
Sign up business for residual income!
Create a video review and have the company scan your QR code and register to have that review listed on their site. they have a choice at what level they want to participate. You and your selected nonprofit will be compensated for the business registration and will receive that compensation as long as the company continues to work with Vamsa.
Vansa experience
Seamless User Experience
Post on Vamsa will be sharable on all major platforms and automatically so! Be invited to participate in special events! contests and so so much more!
Release a song. put it on your bio. set the price and sell. Or allow part of it to be used in video and get a small residual and a link to help you sell. Made an album put it on your bio and list it for sale.
Create live concerts and sell tickets and accept gift from attendees.
Have a business sponsor your l concert and receive even more money! Be invited to open or play with our celebrity guests... and they share with you profits!
Create music, sell a song or the whole album!
Right from your Bio! You can sell classes, subscription, entire courses. it's limitless what you can create and make a solid impact on the world. its time you be heard.