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Vamsa Cash

Video Chat & send Cash & Contracts

Secured send and receive. Disappearing chats, Document Signng and more

Secure, Fast and Integrateed

Sending money to another member, member company is fast, encrypted and secure. Even Splitting the bill is simple and encrypted!

Completing Contracts, Doing Business

With Vamsa Certified system make sure the signatures are from the person that needs to sign. complete the transaction fast and clean, no matter where the parties are!


Seamless User Experience

We've developed an app to make creating community easy, doing business is easy, selling online and even subscriptions! all while making a difference!

This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.


This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.


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